Hello world!

picture of a keyboardMy first blog post ever! \o/

If you want to get to know me a little, see the about page and feel free to leave a comment. In this post I just want to give a short overview of what I am going to do with this blog and what my first posts will possibly be about.

I am planning to use this blog as my personal summary of topics I worked on. Wether it was in my spare time on during work. That also means it will be mostly about technology and software engineering in particular. That way I can recap what I am learning and ideally you profit from this as well. A fundamental principle of software engineering is “not-inventing-the-wheel-again”, isn’t it? That is why I think you should not have to figure out how to do something, I have already done before. Curious about all kinds of topics, I would appreciate if you ask me to write about something you are interested in.

Since I am doing research on using C++ for the programming of low-ressource embedded systems and actually writing a paper in the course of my degree, I think that could be an interesting topic for this blog. Android App development would be another field of interest. Maybe you could verify my app ideas? Both topics mentioned are potentially part of a multi-post-series, since complex. A smaller post would be a How-To-Style-post about getting PySide running together with Python 3.6. I had to do that for work and was struggling to get a comprehensive guide on what to do. That is especially true for a linux environment. What would be of the greatest use for you? Any other ideas?

Leave a comment and tell me your thoughts!

Over and out


7 thoughts on “Hello world!”

    1. Hi Arkon!
      Thanks for your interest in my blog.
      I am promising you right now – I will write about getting PySide running with Python3.6 🙂

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